CT&D #59. Presenting a Portfolio Masterpiece

What do you consider to be the most effective thing to leave in the hands of a potential client or school (if considering a graduate program)? What do you believe makes it more important in some cases than the actual website?

Physically, the most important thing to leave to a potential client and / or school is a non-digital copy of one’s best work or magnum opus that could effectively summarize and depict all or most of one’s range of work and distinctive style in one piece. In doing so, one could build on to their previous work by showing a sense of mastery and future potential for all subsequent work assignments and projects when faced upon these after enrolling into grad school or working for a firm.

Especially if such work is complied into a book or laminated or vice versa, the impression left is strong as the presentation feels rich and the effort is noticeable unlike the somewhat “laziness” feel to uploading the work online that some may perceive (**I don’t, otherwise why have this website?). Furthermore, a physical magnum opus piece can demonstrate more than an opening or closing piece on a portfolio site as the former can be expanded on (i.e. a vignette of pieces tied into a thematic single master-piece) as opposed to the latter which mainly serves to open and close a portfolio collection of unrelated pieces overall; but this isn’t necessarily the case all the time.

Still, I believe a portfolio website should showcase range of skill in terms of breadth while a physical magnum opus should embrace mastery in terms of depth, something I feel that a website portfolio cannot tangibly show unless fully digitized for online accessibly and alongside a physical deliverable for live demonstrations.

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