The very first episode of Survivor, “The Marooning.” (aired: May 31, 2000, CBS) The Preamble. It’s been nearly 20 years since the episode “The Marooning” was seen by some 15 million viewers of what would become the long-running TV series Survivor. Yes, the show that puts contestants on an island where they have to vote one another out until 2 or 3 of them remain before a jury of eliminated contestants, those of whom decide
Welcome to the 2020s. A new decade. Just like with the 2000s and also with the 2010s, these years look and sound futuristic. Popular culture has always made it seem like all those years were destined for advancements in science and technology that in reality will take perhaps decades more, if not hundreds of years to fully realize. Stuff like flying cars, space colonization, a cure for all diseases, and so forth. No way are

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