December 30, 2019
An Animated Co-Host Has Just Appeared!
Well not animated yet. But… Well, perhaps I should start with who this furry fella is: Co-Star Cat. Of what? My new web series that I am going to launch in 2020 called Cartoon Corner. More details will be forthcoming on that. But what I will say is that the first first step of many first steps in getting to my show launched is the slight redesign of my animated co-star to help me guide
November 30, 2019
Site Redesign #2: The Importance of a Blog
Well, well, well. It’s been 1 year since I have slowly begun to update my original site while balancing many other things including work and putting together a portfolio of said work. Great segue as it leads me into why I feel it is necessary to talk about the importance of having and maintaining a blog. Well, not just any blog, but a blog that you can put together from previous work to start a conversation
December 31, 2018
Thesis Proposal Project Presentation Remaster
A rerecording of an online presentation that I did for my final college assignment is now available. To view, head to the Graduate Level page under College Portfolio via the menu.