CT&D #35. Graphic Arts & Design Inspirational Commentary – Word Art

This inspirational image is that of a guitar formed by words and sentences, all of which take the shape of the object. What’s particularly noteworthy regrading the words and sentence usage is the message they’re saying about the subject as a whole. Looking closely, what’s written are the names of bands, singers, genres, and even the designer’s work credit (“Typography by…”), the latter of which is creatively placed outside the main shape of the guitar and on to the cord on the bottom right (as to allow for viewers to easily see where that credit is in contrast to the tight-knit “mess” of words from within the guitar).

I like the use of color for the fonts as it easily distinguishes each part of the guitar (bottom-yellow, middle-gray, top-white). Most importantly, the typography is very effective as from afar, viewers only see an image of a guitar but up close, one may want to curiously read what’s in the object given how unorthodox the object looks based on composition. The typeface and size work well (I’m not sure what they are) because both allow for neat spacing, somewhat smooth edges, and enough weight (to minimize empty gaps from within the object). Overall, a very compelling piece that I will file for future ideas.

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