March 28, 2015

CT&D #38. Artistic Styles

George Yazbeck Comments are off
Thinking about some of the artistic styles (pointillism, impressionism, dada, renaissance, etc), what is your favorite and why? Thinking about many of the artistic styles I have learned about before and still learning now, my favorite has to be photorealism. Photorealism to me is an interesting and intriguing art style that I think requires concentration, dedication, and a fondness for reimagining a work of art in the terms of another medium. Since photorealism deals with
Creative Topics & Discussions
I really like this 2-page magazine layout because there is a large visual that balances out the plain, white background and 2 columns of text to the far right of the page. Furthermore, this is a section of a magazine that introduces an article; in my opinion, what better is it to kick off a written excerpt than to illustrate what it may be about? An idea of some sort. Equally importantly, how much of
Creative Topics & Discussions
This magazine page layout is very appealing for its prominent use of visuals that are neatly aligned with corresponding text. It is apparent that the editor used grids for the pictures and text boxes to achieve this organized and professional look. I also like the typography as I see an assortment of techniques employed for textual presentation (flush left, ragged right in the initial paragraph, centered text and justified text elsewhere, etc.) Another noteworthy detail
Creative Topics & Discussions