What are the steps in final submittal of a job in print production?
There are various steps before final submission of a print if outsourcing to a (local) company, which is usually the case since quality printers are very expensive.
In total, one must: communicate with a print service to establish fees, specific materials to be used and specific treatments (i.e. binding, folding); decide on which colors to use (CMYK / process colors or Pantone / spot colors for a print); check for publication errors (including inconsistent fonts sizes and typefaces, misspelled words); save a publication in PDF format and specify quality type; print and review color separations or composite proofs (to ensure colors and color spacing are physically correct for the final proof); and lastly, deliver the final proof and files to a print service (which should be a master copy so that the print is exactly what it needs to be when published).
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