Please watch a pilot episode of one of 2016’s new fiction (drama or comedy) series. Using the Dan Harmon “Story Circle” structure, try to identify TWO stories within the show: the episode story that is taken to completion in the pilot episode (even serialized shows have some kind “resolution” every week), and a longer story arc that the series pilot suggests (i.e., a storyline where the character is maybe only just beginning to want something or leave his/her comfort zone
Creative Topics & Discussions
LIE TO ME Read pages 63-65 of the “Lie to Me” teleplay and compare it with the filmed ending of the show. The previous scene ends at the top of page 64 with Lightman telling Torres “Believe whatever you want. It’s what everyone else does,” but after that, the final sequence in your screenplay is completely different from what was filmed. The filmed ending is certainly shorter, but it also exposes very different information about Cal Lightman’s personality
Creative Topics & Discussions
What do you believe needs to be done to finalize a portfolio website so that someone looking to hire would want to do so? Working on a website draft while progressing through my outlines, what I believe needs to be done to finalize a website (especially one that focuses on showing portfolio) is the following: enough pieces to showcase one’s best work (put not too much!) (**obviously, that has changed here on this current site) an
Creative Topics & Discussions