December 11, 2013

AT&D #33. Historical Agency & Passivity

George Yazbeck Comments are off
The concept of “Agency” in history addresses the extent individuals and groups have the ability to act or be active in a historical narrative. The opposite of this is being acted upon on or passivity, a term that is assigned to groups and individuals otherwise not Based from a chapter in Armesto’s history book, who is given agency when empires and nations are used to study the past? Who is acted upon on? Does agency flow in a singular
Academic Topics & Discussions

December 11, 2013

AT&D #32. Historical Narratives

George Yazbeck Comments are off
In constructing our understanding of the past, the resulting narrative we create is called “History.” Empires and nations are some examples to use as basis for those narratives. What are some advantages and limitations of using them as the main way of engaging the past? What other options do we have? History has shown us that empires can come and go in almost any region of the world, especially where multiple cultures coexist with each
Academic Topics & Discussions

December 11, 2013

AT&D #31. Historical Progress

George Yazbeck Comments are off
Comment on the use of the term “progress” in world history. How is progress related to modernity and enlightenment? What are the implications of this relationship in relation to the Western view of history and your thinking? In historical terms, the word “progress” could very well refer to growth, development, and the advancement of a given idea or concept, whether it is to be built upon a society or furthered on by destiny. To relate
Academic Topics & Discussions