What are Illustrator panels? What are the advantages of using Adobe Bridge?
Panels in Illustrator provide the designer a wide range of options and tools to select from in order to create, develop and further enhance a digital drawing or image. There are many such panels: the control panel (which contains the stroke weight and brush palettes), the tools panel (usually condensed to a bar on the lefthand side of the program’s window) and grouped panels to the right (usually displaying a section for layers, color swatches, and character (type size, type face) controls).
Adobe Bridge has a couple of advantages; most notably, in being a file management application, it is very useful for a viewer to see all of their photos from Photoshop or Lightroom for example neatly sorted and organized (by image file type such as jpeg, tiff, and .psd or by name and in folders or folders within folders, etc.). But it doesn’t stop there.
One could easily multitask the inspection of photos before and after an edit via the filmstrip view command. Another additional feature is review mode which showcases one’s images in sort of a slideshow format where one could highlight pictures they want to present or work on, add stars (I guess for importance) and delete photos with ease.
Adobe Bridge is like a designer’s personal catalog of saved work that functions as an asset management tool; it appropriately supplements most of the programs in Adobe’s Creative Suite, as it helps users engage in easy and quick importing and transferring as opposed to opening finder (on a Mac or documents on Windows) and having to open several windows / tabs to find the right files to use in an Adobe program.
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