AT&D #52. Artificial Intelligence

Research the topic of artificial intelligence and you will find terms including expert systems, neural networks, artificial life, fuzzy logic, natural language processing, and robotics. Evaluate the differences between each term as well as similarities. How is artificial intelligence used today?

Upon researching what artificial intelligence (AI) is, I found out that its basic definition refers to the study of modeling human function through computer programs. The following terms below elaborate more in detail and expands on this definition:

Expert system: a piece of software programmed to emulate how humans make decisions through reasoning by sheer and in-depth knowledge. Such systems use databases emphasizing and showcasing expert / encyclopedic information to offer optimal advice and logical decision making in areas including medical diagnosis and trading on the stock exchange.

Neural network: a computer system modeled on the human brain and nervous system.

Artificial life: the production or action of computer programs or computerized systems that simulate the behavior, population dynamics, and other characteristics of living organisms.

Fuzzy logic: a form of mathematical logic in which truth can assume a continuum between 0 and 1 (used to employ the concept of logical right or wrong in AI behavior based on a “partial truth” that is calculated closer to a true (1) or false (0) value).

Natural language processing: a branch of information science that deals with the interactions between computers and human beings.

Robotics: a branch of technology that deals with the design, construction, operation, and application of robots and androids.

Similarities: each of these terms relate with one another in that they all theoretically constitute the necessary components that make up an artificial being; artificial life promotes this vision while its neural network is the basis for such. Furthermore, fuzzy logic and natural language processing are essential in allowing an artificially intelligent being to behave and communicate akin to a human being. Lastly, robotics is utilized in order to achieve the finalizing of scientifically creating such an AI with the final result being literally an expert system – or a collection thereof – that functions as a very complex machine capable of using and delivering information.

Differences: the most striking difference between the terms are neural network and robotics; the former is based on a biological feature that mimic actions originating from the brain and nervous system while the latter focuses on the application of electronics and gears that essentially make up a non-human or a robot.

Based on what I found in my research, artificial intelligence today is used for advanced applications in various systems and their technologies. Case studies show that AI systems are applied to authorizing financial transactions (to detect fraud via algorithms in constructing profiles of typical customer behavioral patterns), configuring hardware and software (i.e. maintaining up-to-date improvements where needed for a user to perform a task as normal), determining and treating problems (via diagnostic systems in detecting human health irregularities in medical scenarios), and lastly, scheduling (for manufacturing a product by configuring and maintaining an internal time slot to prepare and deliver orders logistically and through other planning tools) all without direct human intervention unless system repair is needed.

If anything, AI will become more advanced in the future and will definitely exceed expectations in how we perceive truly artificial (and not human at all) intelligence.

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